Number 5 for tracing and coloring

The next version of numbers for tracing and coloring includes a contour-drawn number 5. Its large and legible form makes it an interesting option for exercises to consolidate the shape of the number 5 for younger children. It can be used by both early school children and younger preschoolers, treating this worksheet like a coloring book.

The exercise can be divided into two stages. In the first stage, children create the outlines of the coloring page by tracing the outlines of the number 5. In the second stage, they fill the resulting template with color.

Depending on your imagination, you can use different art materials in both stages. Starting with crayons, through markers and paints, and ending with colorful yarns or tissue paper. Complete freedom. Also in creating your own filling for numbers.

On the website you will also find a series of number worksheets for kids filled with various patterns.

I am including here a contour version of the number 5 for self-printing in the form of a PDF file for personal use.

Learning numbers by tracing outlines

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