Today’s worksheet is a proposal for the outline of the number 1 for tracing and coloring. It belongs to a series of worksheets useful mainly for younger children, toddlers, preschoolers, elementary aged kids like kindergarteners and early childhood education.
This exercise aims to consolidate the shape of the number 1. Its main element is the number outline drawn with a dashed line. The children’s task is to draw the outlines of the number 1 using markers or colored pencils.
Thanks to the large pictures of numbers used in this series of worksheets for kids, you can freely choose between thick crayons or paints.
After drawing the outline, children can color the number 1 in any way they choose, creating their unique creation.
If you are looking for similar tasks with ready-made patterns inside the outlines of numbers, choose other worksheets for learning numbers in the numbers section for children.
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