Mystery picture, pixel art 10×10 – heart – decode the picture nr 15

Before Valentine’s Day, I prepared a new mystery picture for kids with a heart as the main theme. A motif that is ubiquitous in February, so we can also use it during orientation exercises.

We probably don’t need to explain to anyone what the heart symbol means. Besides, it means something slightly different to everyone. Nevertheless, children know its shape very well, so this task will be easy to guess.

Our colorful heart is one of many mystery pictures prepared for the youngest children. First of all, it was encoded with a simple code arranged pixel by pixel. Secondly, I used a large code board here, on which kids will mark the pixels they have decoded.

What other symbols would you like to find on our worksheets for kids, for example in the form of hidden pictures?

Mystery picture – pixel art

Graphic dictation can be used in various ways:

  • coloring the picture according to the given code – children read the code on their own,
  • coloring the picture according to the given code by ear – someone is reading the code to the child,
  • pasting the image according to the given pattern,
  • redrawing the image from the original solution,
  • writing the code based on the printed pattern.

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