Mystery picture, pixel art 10×10 – flowers – decode the picture nr 9

Here is a continuation of the flower mystery pictures. This time, red and orange flowers bloomed in our pot. Something like cosmos or asters. Very symbolic, due to the small field to show off. And by this simplification, they can play the role of spring, summer and autumn flowers.

This is another pixel art graphic dictation for younger kids in a series, made of large grids. The 1.5 cm square makes it easier for children who are still working on their graphomotorics. As in most of the works in this series, we use an orderly code, coding the colors pixel by pixel.

Mystery picture – pixel art

Graphic dictation can be used in various ways:

  • coloring the picture according to the given code – children read the code on their own,
  • coloring the picture according to the given code by ear – someone is reading the code to the child,
  • pasting the image according to the given pattern,
  • redrawing the image from the original solution,
  • writing the code based on the printed pattern.

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