Mystery picture, pixel art 10×10 – Easter egg – decode the picture nr 2

Today we will decode the Easter egg with the kids. Written in a simple orderly code, and drawn in large fields on a 10×10 board.

You can use this green Easter egg on various occasions. The pattern is quite simple, so it can also be treated as an ordinary egg. First of all, I was thinking about preparing for Easter, as part of math exercises. But ignoring this delicate pattern, you can use this worksheet for kids when talking about farm animals or the life cycle of birds.

I prepared this Easter egg template as part of a series of activities for younger children working on developing their fine motor skills. The Easter egg was encoded with a simple code, pixel by pixel. The fields of the code board are large, 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm, which makes it easy to find each field being decoded.

Mystery picture – pixel art

Graphic dictation can be used in various ways:

  • coloring the picture according to the given code – children read the code on their own,
  • coloring the picture according to the given code by ear – someone is reading the code to the child,
  • pasting the image according to the given pattern,
  • redrawing the image from the original solution,
  • writing the code based on the printed pattern.

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