Loops and swirls – tracing lines for kids

Do all tracing lines have to be in the ruling? Sure not! Today’s tracing patterns are a version without ruling, i.e. without auxiliary lines. By the way, they are not equal either. Sometimes it is worth changing the scheme of action to diversify the exercise.

You can use today’s tracing lines for kids with older preschoolers as well as younger children in primary school. They will be helpful as a graphomotor exercise in preparation for learning to write or developing fine motor skills.

The easiest way to use these looped patterns is to trace them. However, younger children can practice their fine motor skills by tracing the pattern with a finger or a pointer. Without drawing.

Tracing lines for preschoolers

Another idea is to glue the pattern, for example with colorful yarns. Kids will need a little better glue for this exercise. Sometimes school glues are too weak.

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