Easter egg – Easter coloring page

Today’s Easter coloring page is another variation of a simple Easter egg. This time it is an egg decorated with horizontal stripes. This pattern, thanks to its simplicity, gives many possibilities not only for coloring, but also for pasting with various materials.

The horizontal stripes on the Easter egg are perfect for gluing, which can be fantastic fun for children. You can use various materials that you find in your kitchen and home to give the Easter egg texture and a three-dimensional look. For example:

  • Grains and seeds, such as rice, groats, lentils and beans.
  • Plasticine that can be formed into thin strips and glued to the Easter egg.
  • Colorful tissue paper that can be cut into strips and glued.
  • Paper balls that can be glued onto strips.
  • Easter coloring pages to print

    Coloring this Easter egg is also a great way to develop imagination and manual skills. Children can use their favorite colors to color the strips and then add glued elements to create unique and beautiful Easter eggs.

    Print this coloring page, grab some crayons and pasting materials and have fun creating cheerful, colorful Easter eggs. It’s a great way to prepare for Easter and enjoy creative time together. Your Easter eggs will certainly create a joyful mood and will become a beautiful decoration for spring days.

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