Colored bugs from dried fall leaves

Children grow so fast. Until recently, they wrote the pages of his first crayons, and today they are looking for challenges. Well, at least the walls save … But I suggests to them unusual canvas for their creations. Today – dried leaves, which rise colorful insects.

Art for kids is quite simple;) We go with the children for a walk, we collect leaves, we dry them between the pages of an old notebook or book, and then we paint!

DIY Colored bugs from dried fall leaves of tree as part of the art for kids
Colored bugs from dried fall leaves of tree

During the collection of leaves you should choose those derived from trees. They are thicker and more durable. Best suited oak and linden, but not only. With the softer leaves kids unable to cope. The more that after soaking them with water, which is a component of paints, become soft.

Today we use the charms of autumn leaves, but you can paint on the leaves at any time of the year. Even in winter, if you take care of the supply of previously dried leaves of trees.

It’s not all our art ideas on the painted leaves. Soon more …

DIY Colored bugs from dried fall leaves of tree as part of the art for kids
Colored bugs from dried fall leaves of tree
DIY Colored bugs from dried fall leaves of tree as part of the art for kids
Colored bugs from dried fall leaves of tree

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