Car garage made from toilet rolls and cardboard boxes

Our child had gathered considerable body of different cars. Small, large, plastic, metal and wood, slightly retro, and straight from the factory. The sources of these treasures is difficult today to inquire, but a mess … oh well. Is. And blooms in the best!

In order to combat chaos, ease of cleaning, and the variety of fun, we decided to create a new place for the rich collection of cars, which now share with you 😉 Here’s our idea of recycling garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes.

DIY toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes - toilet paper roll crafts for kids
Toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes – our recycling ideas

We start by gathering materials for our recycled crafts. We will need two boxes of similar size, or a box and a sheet of cardboard. For this stack of rolls of toilet paper, scissors, sharp knife, glue to the wood (PVA glue), and (optional) newspaper.

DIY toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes - toilet paper roll crafts for kids

Toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes
DIY toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes - toilet paper roll crafts for kids

Toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes

Time to fit the boxes. Lower box put in a higher cardboard box, cut off the wings and the top wall. Thanks to this, we obtain additional space for a helicopter landing area. Boxes glue to create a compact base for garage.

Cut off the top wall we move down and glued to the roof of the lower box. The landing will be greatly enhanced.

On the floor of the garage we put additional profile of cardboard. Our has some 0.5 cm at the highest point.

For what? Garage will be mobile, and preliminary tests showed a flaw rolls. Cars simply were leaving them during the transfer of the garage! Instead of order, we have a bigger fine mess!
The slope of the rollers inside the garage keeps the cars before leaving their seats and we can carry from place to place 😉

DIY toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes - toilet paper roll crafts for kids

We put the wall – toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes

The arrangement of rolls depends on the size of the box, and the gluing – from subsequent plans. Our rolls are glued only to each other, avoiding the walls and floor of the toy garage. Put the glue at the contact points of the rollers. Some creator in such projects use a hot glue, but although it is faster in connecting elements, it is also more expensive. Though PVA glue is excellent for the bonding of paper.

DIY toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes - toilet paper roll crafts for kids

Gluing paper rolls – toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes

To ease any repairs and decorating the garage, were stuck rolls in two boxes. This allows us to pull them out to give access to the inside of the toy garage.

DIY toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes - toilet paper roll crafts for kids

Two sets of glued paper rolls – toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes

At this point, it really could complete construction and to satisfy the strict condition of our buildings. This has its charm, but if you’ve read our previous posts, we focus on color!

DIY toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes - toilet paper roll crafts for kids

Basic state – toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes

A single layer of newspapers allows for a more aesthetic appearance of the garage. The same effect, but much faster, you would get the sizing edges of cardboard boxes with self-adhesive paper tape. But this is next purchase.

DIY toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes - toilet paper roll crafts for kids

Toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes


Painting is a full freedom. Most I would give this task in the hands of my son, for which it was created, but unfortunately – not this time. He asked me for painting the building, and he was sick – I gave up.

However, the color have been selected by the Young. Together with a white stripe, which had to be placed somewhere in the project… Such frills…

DIY toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes - toilet paper roll crafts for kids

Toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes

It was just fun …

DIY toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes - toilet paper roll crafts for kids

Toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes
DIY toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes - toilet paper roll crafts for kids

Toy garage made from toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes

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